Compact Chart:
Jerome Joseph Pickens

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Edmund "OK-Chantubby Pickens" Pickens
1789-1868 ‎(79)‎
Compact Chart: I5591
I Hunter P-is-O-Chi-Cla "The Prophet Chief of Chickasaw Nation" Pickens
1826-1912 ‎(86)‎
Compact Chart: I10294 Joseph Pickens
1886-1972 ‎(85)‎
Compact Chart: I10306 Annie Ned
1842-1937 ‎(95)‎
Compact Chart: I9049Compact Chart: I10311
Linney "Euth-Li-ke Pickens" Pickens
1815-1885 ‎(70)‎
Binum Pickens
1926-1993 ‎(66)‎
Compact Chart: I10406 Jerome Joseph Pickens
1959-2008 ‎(48)‎
Compact Chart: I10408
Lina Palmer
1934-2020 ‎(86)‎
 Compact Chart: I10405
Katie Carney
1886-1963 ‎(77)‎