Compact Chart:
Coleman Cornwell Pickens

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Lemanuel Jefferson Pickens Sr
1811-1879 ‎(68)‎
Compact Chart: I14123
Lewis Abner Pickens
1834-1916 ‎(81)‎
Compact Chart: I14130 William Newton Pickens
1857-1941 ‎(84)‎
Compact Chart: I14160 Sarah "Sally" Teagarten
1838-1899 ‎(60)‎
Compact Chart: I14124Compact Chart: I14162
Mahala Speers
1812-1896 ‎(84)‎
Harold Scott Pickens
1886-1944 ‎(58)‎
Compact Chart: I14171 Coleman Cornwell Pickens
1910-1997 ‎(86)‎
Compact Chart: I14173
Stella Ethel Cornwell
1899-1969 ‎(70)‎
 Compact Chart: I14170
Lucy Jane Burgess
1861-1949 ‎(88)‎

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